McClure Place Canopy
We hope everyone had a wonderful long-weekend! Yesterday was Family Day in Saskatchewan—the extra day of rest was certainly welcomed by many of the staff!
If you have any pressing issues/concerns while Lisa is away this week, please see Jackie in the front office.
Kylee has a beautiful “African Safari” puzzle in a picture frame, proudly displayed in her office. This puzzle was completed by the residents of McClure a number of years ago, and has since brought joy to Kylee each day. My question for you is whether or not you, the residents, would be willing to send this piece of McClure home with her as she moves on to the next chapter of her life. If anyone has any issue with this, please bring your concern to Lisa when she returns next week—you will remain anonymous.
In the canopy you will find details regarding the McClure Garden Committee. In brief: Donations are accepted all year round. However, for the months of March and April exclusively, donations of $20 or more made to the gardening fund are eligible for a tax receipt. Donations can be brought to Jackie in the form of cheque or cash.
Warmer temperatures and sunshine expected in the coming days.
Have a great week!