Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to your questions about living at McClure Place.
Do you have a waitlist?
The Life Interest Leases currently have a waitlist of approximately 5-8 years depending on the suite style/floor requested.
What’s the age range of the seniors are McClure?
McClure place accepts residents from 55 years old. We have a wide variety of residents of all different ages, including our oldest resident at 98 years old!
How much does it cost to live here?
There are 2 options available, the Subsidized Rentals & the Life Interest Leases.
- The Subsidized Rentals are based on an assessment of need, not a first-come, first-served basis. Approximately 30% of your monthly income is deducted from your back account. (Based on Sask. Housing Graduated Rent Scale and reviewed annually).
- Life Interest Leases (LIL) allow people to purchase a financial interest in McClure Place. In return for a loan to McClure Place, the resident is granted a long-term lease for a suite. When the lease is terminated, McClure Place will buy-back the original LIL loan amount. Monthly fees are set by the Board and include: occupancy fees, basic cable, water, heat and resident services fees.
Do seniors require an initial assessment before moving in?
When offered a suite our Resident Nurse will ask some assessment questions to ensure Independent Living is the best living option for you. These questions relate to mobility & independence.
How do I apply?
You can apply by:
– Emailing your application to
– Mailing your application to 1825 McKercher Drive, Saskatoon SK. S7H 5T4
– Dropping it off at our office
Do appliances come with the suites?
Subsidized rental suites include fridge, stove, washer, dryer in the suite.
Life Interest Lease’s do not include appliances.
Are pets allowed?
As much as we love our furry friends, we do not allow any pets.
Discover McClure Place in Saskatoon
We know there is a lot that goes into your decision and moving isn’t easy, we provide guidance every step of the way. Whether you are searching for yourself or a loved one, consider us your guide and trusted resource.
Fill out our form and we will be in touch soon to answer your questions.
We look forward to speaking with you.